The Restoration Process Is Comprised Of Hundreds Of Small Individual Tasks.
The Purpose For This Page Is To Serve As An Index To Articles Written By Members and Guests That Are Willing To Share With You, Their Experiences Related To The Restoration Process On Very Specific Tasks. These Are Intended To Give You Some Insite Into How A Specific Task Was Accomplished And How Much Time The Task Required. Additionally Information Related To Any Specific Tools, Skills or Supplies Required To Accomplish The Task. To Be Forwarned, Is To Be Forarmed.
Last Updated : 18 Nov. 2004
: These "How To" items were put here to show what individuals have done/experienced, and is not to be taken as qualified, tested, nor proven techniques. Individuals have submitted information from the goodness of their hearts in an attempt to share their experiences and information with others. There is no intention to promote nor advertise illegal or unsafe procedures. Individuals will not assume any responsibility or liability should you decide to mimic or follow these procedures. You assume your own risks. Everyone should assess their own expertise, the skills required for a given procedure, and the risks involved and decide for themselves whether or not they should attempt a given procedure. Remember, variances do exists between Z's being produced for different countries and even different states. Variances also exist between different model years. Take this all into account before you attempt to follow any of the procedures. The authors have been kind enough to leave their e-mail addresses to field questions/comments/suggestions.
(Please e-mail any questions, comments, suggestions (re: this section) to : Carl Beck -