by Carl Beck, IZCC#260.
This summary is intended to give you a list of cars and drivers,
as well as a list of names, that are associated with the early
days of Datsun's competition efforts related to the Z Car.
The Players at that time (69/70):
Nissan Motor Company in U.S.A.
- Yutaka Katayama, President of Nissan Motors In U.S.A.
- Lee Wylie, National Service Manager, Nissan Motors In U.S.A.
- Bob Yorba, Supervisor Product Support Group
- Tom O'Connor, Performance Parts Manager
The BRE Team 1970/1971:
- John Morton, Z Car #46 Driver (1970 & 71)
- Dan Parkinson Z Car #3 Driver (1971)
- Mac Tilton, Crew Chief
- John Caldwell, Chief Engine Builder
- Floyd Link, Engine Builder
- Ray Guss, Engine Builder
- George Boskoff, Can Do Anything and Everything...
- Bruce Meyers, Can Do Anything and Everything...
- John Knepp - Electronics and Transmissions
- Kirk Allergo - mechanic, (can do anything else too)
Main Sponsors: Nissan Motors Western Division, Champion Spark
Plugs, Valvoline Oil Company and FRAM Oil and Air Filters. (I
still buy all these products to this day..ed).
- Bob Sharp, Owner
- Bob Sharp, Driver Z Car #33 (70 thru 75)
- Jim Fitzgerald, Driver Z Car# 38
- Pete Mullen, BSR Competition Manager
- John Jasensky, (Jasen), Race Engine Specialists
Main Sponsors: Nissan Motors Eastern Division, Bob Sharp Datsun/Ferrari,
Sunoco Oil Company
The BRE Time Frame:
1968: Nissan Motors in U.S.A. puts BRE under contract through
their Western Offices, to undertake a high performance development
program for the Datsun 2000.
1969: Pete Brock sees the first pictures of the new Z Car in late
1970: January - Late in the month, the BRE Team received their
first Z Car. This is one of the first 20 to arrive in the U.S.
on the first boatload from Japan. (cars HLS30 0004 through HLS30
00024 maybe??).
The BSR Time Frame:
1970 Bob Sharp Racing receives the first delivery of 240Z's for
race prep.
Interesting Tid-Bits:
Crankshafts: The Z Cars that came in on the first boatload from
Japan (20 cars) had six counterweighted crankshafts - this lead
to serious harmonic vibration problems above 6000RPM, and lead
to failures in the racing engines. An eight counter weight crankshaft
has been standard since that first shipment.
Cost To Build: Pete Brock said in Nov. of 1970, that it would
cost about $11,500 to build Car #46 (not counting the R&D
spent on the racing program by Nissan). A stock Porsche 911S at
that time was around $10,500 and $40,000+ in SCCA racing trim
(not counting the R&D spent by the factory)
Spoilers: The rear spoiler was supplied as a Factory part from
Japan. The front ÒSpookÓ was developed by Pete Brock.
While the SCCA rules did not allow aerodynamic devices,they did
allow Òcooling ductsÓ for the front
air spoiler with brake cooling scoops was added to the BRE cars:-)...
the combined air "spoiler" and brake "scoop"
resulted in the "BRE Front Spook" creative!
HP: The early 240Z engines in the BRE car were putting out 240HP
+ according to BRE (everyone knew it was more than that based
on the cars performance however).
Early Cars & Drivers 70/73:
Race Car #46 Driver John Morton, BRE Team (HlS30 0005?)
Original Car reported as destroyed in Phoenix race.
Replaced with early 70 production car (HLS30 01xxx).
Race Car #3 Driver Dan Parkinson, BRE Team
( Car # 3 is currently fully restored and owned by Gerry Mason
& Gerry Mason Jr. of xxxx)
Race Car #33 Driver Bob Sharp, BSR Team (HLS30 000?)
(Car # 33 is still owned by Bob Sharp)
Race Car #38 Driver Jim Fitzgerald, BSR Team (HLS30 00006).
Race Car #45 Driver Walt Mass, Fremont Datsun
Race Car #11 Driver Don Kerney, Boulton Motors, Miami
Race Car #48 Driver Frank Leary, FAR Performance
Race Car #85 Logan Blackburn
Race Car #14 Bob Speakman (HLS30 00008).
SCCA C/P Championships: (C Production )
1970 John Morton, BRE 240Z #46
1971 John Morton, BRE 240Z #46
1972 Bob Sharp, BSR 240Z #33
1973 Bob Sharp, BSR 240Z #33
1974 Walt Maas, Fremont Datsun 260Z #45
1975 Bob Sharp, BSR 280Z #33
1976 Elliot Forbes-Robinson Jr. BSR 280Z #33
1977 Logan Blackburn, Race Car #85
1978 Frank Leary
1979 Paul Newman, BSR (280ZX bodied 240Z engine) #33
1984 Morris Clement, 280ZX (2.8L) - ???? C Production??
SCCA SSA Championships:
1977 D. J. Fazekas
1978 D. J. Fazekas
SCCA GT1 Championships:
1982 Paul Newman, BSR (280ZX Turbo 2.8L)
SCCA GT2 Championships:
1984 Morris Clement #21
1986 Scott Sharp BSR 280Z Car# 33 (same 1975 Championship Car,
driven by his Father Bob Sharp.)
IMSA GT/U (Grand Touring Under 2.5L)
1976 Brad Frisselle, #47
1979 Don Devendorf, Electramotive Racing, #83 (280 ZX
Body/240Z Engine)
IMSA GTO (Grand Touring Over 2.5L)
1982 Don Devendorf, Electramotive Racing #83 (280ZX Turbo 2.8L)
Other Drivers and Cars Of Special Note:
* Bob Speakman Race Car # 14
-71 to 75 in SCCA - first Z to complete 24 Hours at Daytona in 1971
-75 to 85 in IMSA GTU
* Don Devendorf's Electromotive 280ZX Turbo Car#83 (IMSA GTU)
* Frank Leary & FAR Performance 280ZX Turbo
* Jim Fitzgerald SCCA GT-2 280ZX #38
* Frank Honsowetz IMSA GTU #48
Datsun/Nissan Engine Builders of Special Note:
John Caldwell - BRE Team,
Floyd Link
John Knepp - Electramotive Team
Gene Crowe - Bob Sharp Racing
The First Boat Load To The United States:
by: Carl Beck, IZCC# 260
It was commented on at the time by many automotive writers and
press people that the first Boat to arrive in the U.S. carried
along with the regular shipment of Datsuns, were Twenty Z Cars.
(not a documented fact yet)
The Internet Z Car Club has been trying to track down all 500 of the first Z Cars produced in 1969, however that ÒFirst BoatloadÓ is of very special interest to many people. Here is what we have found so far.
If you know of the existence of any of the cars that are not accounted
for below, please contact Carl Beck e-mail:,
Phone: 813-535-0384 Web Site: /
Z Cars HLS30 00001, 00002, 00003, 00004 -
It is told that these chassis numbers never left the factory.
They were used as Production Mules, and for U.S. NTSA Certification
Cars (crash tested then distroyed).
Z Car HLS30 00005
This is believed to have been delivered to Brock Racing Enterprises (BRE) in late Jan. of 1970, after its stunt in the Automotive Press Tour.
Were all believed to have been put on the Show and Mag. Circuits first for New Model Introduction - then given to Bob Sharp Racing ...A model (girl) sat on the hood of car #006 and bent it - so BSR got it sooner than expected.
Car HLS30 00008 was the car used for the Cover of Road & Track Mag. Jan. 1970 issue. It was then shipped to Bob Speckman for competition purposes.
Z Car # HLS30 00006:
-Show Car Circuit - model sat on hood, bentZ Car # HLS30 00007:
- Show Car Circuit -
- ??????
- Ron Cooke in L/A...
Z Car # HLS30 00008:
-Show Car Circuit - and cover of R&T in Jan. 70
-Delivered to Bob Speakman in Lutherville, MD. Raced as car #14
-Today owned by Dr. Tom Bork, Restored for Vintage Racing
Z Car #HLS30 -
00016 - Jim Frederick, Tampa (Lutz) FL
00017 - John LaMaide, Lilse, Ill.
00020 - Carl Beck, Clearwater,Florida
Note: Of the first 500 Z Cars produced in Oct., Nov., and
Dec. of 1969, only 74 have been found to be still in existence.