While the Z Car Home Page was to be moved, it was decided that in order to define the Systems Requirements for our new Web site we would first have to clearly define what services we wanted the IZCC to be able to support from that site.
The IZCC Members on the ZWEB Task Team worked as a collaborative work group, to define the VISION and MISSION STATEMENTS for the IZCC. Then they took on the tasks of re-designing the layout and re-defining the information content that would be presented on the Z Car Home Page.
The intention was to transition the Z Car Home Page from a great individual effort, to a group effort. Then to focus that group effort on greatly expanding the Information Content make available on-line, related to the Z Car and the IZCC.
The objective was to make the Z Car Home Page the central Information Repository on the Web, for all Z Car Related data and information, as well as to provide a Home Site for the IZCC its activities and its Members.
Members Of The ZWEB Task Team:
IZCC# 85 Lee Baker lee.baker@reichhold.com IZCC# 299 Jerry Barvinek jaroslav@sentex.net IZCC# 260 Carl Beck beck@becksystems.com IZCC# 13 Steve Bloom SAB@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu IZCC# 794 Fletch Bowling iom@dibbs.net IZCC# 583 Bryan Pilati bpilati@eustis-aatds1.army.mi IZCC# 214 Wayne Burstein BURSTEIN@genicom.com IZCC# 01 Stefanos Damianakis snd@CS.Princeton.EDU IZCC#1010 Ed Dotson Ed_Dotson@ccmailsmtp.ast.com IZCC# 410 John Evans EVANS@EPRINET.EPRI.COM IZCC# 947 John Freeman jfreeman@spidome.net IZCC# 853 Morgan Fruchtnicht morgan@ebs330.eb.uah.edu IZCC# 407 Mike Gholson mtg@peak.org IZCC# 968 Kyle Hagemann kyle@sonic.net IZCC# 582 Jeffrey Hoang speedster@asu.edu IZCC# 308 Josh Karnes josh@ol.net //joshk@tanisys.com IZCC# 163 Rex Jennett jennett@svpal.org IZCC# 425 Kennett Johnson 76061.2704@compuserve.com IZCC#1129 Jerrold L. Jones 103055.473@compuserve.com IZCC# 307 Andrew.Kelley Andrew.Kelley@colorado.edu IZCC# 692 Warren Kline z327@airmail.net IZCC# 520 Alister Leask ALEASK@orakei.ait.ac.nz IZCC# 333 Craig Marcho cmarcho@gnn.com IZCC# 271 Yoshiki Mogi yogi@tamu.edu IZCC# 219 Anna Mulhern amulhern@sundog.caltech.edu IZCC# 139 Tim Nevins timn@microsoft.com IZCC# 472 Jeff Newkirk newkirk@mail.wsu.edu IZCC# 585 Al Powell a-powell1@tamu.edu IZCC# 786 Robert C. Prohl robertc@norfolk.infi.net IZCC# 64 Paul Richer paulr240@accessone.com IZCC# 298 Marc Sayer msayer@efn.org IZCC# 450 Karl Schmitz KarlWS@aol.com IZCC# 687 Steve Simmons srsimmon@airmail.net IZCC# 978 Mad' Mike Taylor" zmadmike@mail.airmail.net IZCC# 443 Donn Vickrey vickrey@cts.com IZCC# 300 Tim Winship winship@earthlink.net IZCC# 88 Bob Worley bworley@server.iadfw.net IZZC# aka Max Boost maxboost@aol.com