Mallory UniLite Distributor
and ProMaster Coil Hookup for 72 Z
by: Carl Beck
html as of 12 July 99..cjb
Up-date: 23 March 2010 - add picture
Pictured below is a rough diagram of how the Mallory UniLite with ProMaster Coil is installed in my 72 240Z. With this hookup the stock tach works as it should.
Oh yes, and no wise cracks about the drawing either! - you try to do better holding a piece of paper in one hand, pencil in the other and a flashlight in your mouth;-)...
Below that then, I have copied the instructions that came from Mallory with my UniLite Distributor and ProMaster Coil. Its my back-up copy and you are free to use it as your back-up copy rather than bother Mallory for a replacement.
I will comment that this is one of the best "up-grades" I've done to my 72 Z from a dollar value perspective. I've had the UniLite in the car for over ten years now - and I love it!
Click On Image For Larger View

Below are the instructions that came with my Mallory UniLite Distributor and ProMaster Coil. Page 5 is what most people need to hook up their distributors such that the tack works.
Page 1 = Installation Insturctions (68K)
Page 2 = Distributor Set-up on Sun Machine(52K)
Page 3 = Degree Key - setting timing of distributor(68K)
Page 4 = Mallory ProMaster / VoltMaster Coils(92K)
Page 5 = Mallory Distributor / Coil Wiring (68K)